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Even before becoming a realtor, Frank Giralico knew a thing or two about houses. Constructing homes had been his family’s business until he made the change to buying, selling and leasing them. With a belief that the home is the cornerstone of every family, an outgoing attitude and tireless commitment to his clients Frank’s since earned a reputation for bringing people and their dreams together. From the first year in his new career as a sales representative in 2008 he won HomeLife’s Gold and Silver Award and he’s won it every year since and counting.
Along with his knowledge of construction techniques Frank draws on his degree in Finance and background in accounting to provide his clients with comprehensive and well-rounded advice when it comes to real estate. Equally proficient handling residential or commercial properties throughout Toronto and surrounding regions, his true specialty is listening to his clients’ needs then working to see they’re met. While his background, experience and record of success exude professionalism, Frank remains a people person who treats clients like family.
Even before becoming a realtor, Frank Giralico knew a thing or two about houses. Constructing homes had been his family’s business until he made the change to buying, selling and leasing them. With a belief that the home is the cornerstone of every family, an outgoing attitude and tireless commitment to his clients Frank’s since earned a reputation for bringing people and their dreams together. From the first year in his new career as a sales representative in 2008 he won HomeLife’s Gold and Silver Award and he’s won it every year since and counting.
Along with his knowledge of construction techniques Frank draws on his degree in Finance and background in accounting to provide his clients with comprehensive and well-rounded advice when it comes to real estate. Equally proficient handling residential or commercial properties throughout Toronto and surrounding regions, his true specialty is listening to his clients’ needs then working to see they’re met. While his background, experience and record of success exude professionalism, Frank remains a people person who treats clients like family.